Meet the NPM St. Louis Chapter Board
NPM ST. LOUIS CHAPTER Email: stlouismo@npm.org
Director - Dawn Riske l stlouismo@npm.org
Director of Music at Christ the King Church in University City
Treasurer - Myrna Jimenez | npmstlouistrea@gmail.com
Hispanic Music Coordinator at St. Joseph Church in Manchester
Secretary - Linda Zappe I keyboardltd@hotmail.com
Musician at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Shrewsbury
Clarion Newsletter Editor - Linda Zappe I keyboardltd@hotmail.com
Musician at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Shrewsbury
Membership Coordinator - Regina Morris l morrisrp@swbell.net
Programming Coordinator l shared by Chapter Board
Photographer - Simeon Layne, Jr. l simeon.a.layne.jr@gmail.com
Publicity Coordinator - John Powel Walsh l johnpwalsh@aol.com
Hospitality Coordinator - Lisa Doerr l lisa@doerrs.org
Prayer Coordinator - Krista Kutz l krista@rotundasoftware.com
Board Member-at-Large Suzanne Chisum l suzchisum@gmail.com
Board Member-at-Large Orin Johnson l ojohnson@stmargaretstl.org
Board Member-at-Large Heather Martin Cooper l hcmcooper@hcm.com
Board Member-at-Large Lisa Steel Williams l lsteel@stalbanroe.org
Celebrating our 40th anniversary
NPM St. Louis Chapter is an organization for anyone who recognizes and supports the value of musical liturgy. Care to join us? Click Here For Membership Information
More about who we are
We are choir directors, organists, guitarists, pianists, instrumentalists of all kinds, presiders, cantors, and pastoral liturgists. We are members of contemporary ensembles, handbell choirs, and choral groups of all kinds. Some of our members are young people in high school and college, and some are veteran directors of music ministries. We represent parishes large and small as well as seminaries, schools, religious communities, cathedral churches and diocesan offices. Many of our members belong to special interest sections for various musical ministries, for clergy and for pastoral liturgists. Some of our members are not actively involved in a particular musical or liturgical ministry, but want to show their support for the important work of NPM.