NPM St. Louis Chapter

National Association of Pastoral Musicians . . . St. Louis Chapter

 Recording of Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 7:00 pm Musical Lectio Divina

Last evening was a beautiful gathering with material that truly fed the soul! Thanks to Angela for sharing God's word with us in such a meaningful way. And thanks to all who gathered and shared from their store of faith.

Lectio Divina means “divine reading” in Latin. It is a meditative way of reading the Bible, in which we let go of our own agendas and open ourselves to what God is trying to say to us. Since many of the texts in chant come directly from scripture, and chant as a musical form is the “handmaiden of the word,” we find a unique opportunity to meditate on the divine Word of God through the lens of a chant melody. Musical Lectio Divina is an opportunity for church musicians to delve into the deeper meaning of the sacred texts they sing, and to find a point of refreshment within a demanding ministry. This exercise is guided by a leader, but the fruit is borne through the participation of the group members.

Below is a link to the recording of the Zoom Event.

Click Here to Watch the Recording

May God's Grace and Mercy surround us as we walk through the coming weeks of Lent!


Recording of Monday, January 18, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Musical Lectio Divina Zoom Gathering

Virtual Event Presented by Angela Rocchio, soprano and music educator

Augustine said, "To sing is to pray twice."

However, it is easy for musicians to become so pressed for time working on music during rehearsals, that they miss being present to the spiritual aspects of their work.

Take advantage of an evening of quiet to gather virtually in a musical "Lectio Divina" ("Divine Reading"), using our rich tradition of Gregorian propers.

Steven Eros will be joining Angela in guiding us through the chant as we share time together “praying twice.”

Please Print These Handouts to assist when watching the recording of Lectio Divina.


October 2020 Presentations Still Available to Watch

Recorded Presentation: "Giving Life to Music - Creative Piano Accompaniments" 

by Scott Pluff, Director of Music and Liturgy at St. Joseph’s Church in Cottleville

Link to Recording: Creative Piano Accompaniments

Zoom discussion occurred the following week with Scott Pluff, Presenter.

on Monday, October 12, 7:00 p.m.

If you would like to listen to this Zoom conversation, contact Dawn Riske:

Thanks go to Orin Johnson, who was an excellent moderator for that October event--and congrats to Bob Wojcik, who won the drawing for pizza delivery.

NPM – St. Louis Chapter

P.O. Box 430162, Saint Louis, MO 63143